Too focused on protecting his queen, got dominated in the meanwhile 😏

Read also:

I can’t work this mate in 3 out for the life of me


can decent players give some analysis on this position? black to move. thanks!


What i am not seeing here

I cant imagine a way to checkmate with the queen and the bishop withe the rooks over there


I just wanna post this here because I'm so proud of it. 75 moves game , 5 minutes blitz , black


How is this blunder? I know i can take knight but i pinned him against the king.


Time to develop a new hobby, have been losing a lot recently idk why. Reached 772 highest in 300 games and rn im 708 in 403 games


ICBM launch successful


Some1 explain why

Never seen a brilliant castle some know why its brilliant


Why should I have gone back to Ne3+?

I went from Ne3+ to Nc2+ to taking the rook at Nxa1, but the engine says going back to Ne3+ and then doing it again puts me in a better position. Why is that? Is there any reason I should have gone back?


There is a brilliant move available for white in this position. Can you spot it?

I got this position in a game today and by sheer luck managed to play a brilliant move thanks to a mouse slip. Let me know if you can spot the brilliant move I accidentally played!
