White to move, mate in 6. My first composition inspired by a recent game

Let's say white had a knight on b3 that the black queen took. I think this is quite intuitive and not too hard, let me know.

Read also:

Le fork

3 Way fork


Problem starting games

I play on chess.com and I’ve been having a problem where I can’t connect to some kinds of games on certain devices. My laptop won’t connect me to bullet rapid or blitz games. Every other game works on it and everything works on other devices. Couldn’t find anything useful online wondering if anyone here knows how to fix it. The picture above is what happens when I start a daily rapid or blitz game.


Take time to consider your moves. My opponent spent 3 seconds on these two moves. I spent 30 thinking "no, that can't work. What am I missing?"


First (intentional) brilliant

Opponent resigned after Qxa5


What is the point of qc8 here?


Finally 1100


Why am i getting friend request from random people??


Why is this checkmate on white? Couldn’t the king move to e1 or g1?


Too focused on protecting his queen, got dominated in the meanwhile 😏


I can’t work this mate in 3 out for the life of me
