Sleeping with open eyes

Read also:

My lizard eyes


Sometimes i just wanna do this to my colleague 😂


He wasn’t happy with his new shower cap.


My 20 year old girl is shutting down. I can feel it.




19yrs old, chilling in my house.

Her Pop built her a house to keep out of the sun and bushes. She loves it. He calls her “Pop’s girl”


Heat exhaust

My house is around 22 years old. I bought the house about 4 years ago. I am in the process of selling it. A home inspector looked at the house and said the exhaust is too close to the window. It's been like since the day it was built I think. What exactly is the issue? When I bought the house, the inspector then did not say anything about it.


Is this the problem?

Hey guys! Please help lol! I don’t intend to make any repairs myself but I need some advice to figure out what to do before calling in a professional. (Money is tight) The toilet was flushed in our in law apartment and the shower gurgled, now it stinks in the bathroom. I went downstairs to pretend that I knew what to do and ended up just looking at all the pipes. I found this coupling that looks.. weird. I think I know the answer but.. Is this a problem? Is that poop?? 😱


Any idea what model this is?

A small plastic piece broke and I want to order a new so I can swap it out and not have to tear out drywall.


Here is my proposed setup for a new bathroom, please roast me or offer advice

for whatever it’s worth, it will be slab on grade new construction in SoCal. I’m not a plumber by trade - any glaring errors here?
