Loves his ear scratched

Read also:

My little jack in the box


My husband found foster Fritz cuddling with coonie Lucy when he woke up yesterday morning.


What time do your cats wake you up? 🐱


Someone is ready to be pampered during the scary hurricane…


Someone is angry




bir adı koy


When the rent has gone so high that jumping off the balcony seems like an option


Cute guy found near a dumpster!


Smooth criminal who keeps breaking into my house

This is molly who lives on my road! My housemates and I doted on her whenever we walked past and then a while ago she snuck in when I was unlocking the door. We thought it was adorable and played with her for a while, before putting her back outside to go home. Since then, she’s been determined to get back in and has decided that our house is a pretty great place to hang out. Putting the laundry out? she’s slipping through the door when your arms are full. Open window downstairs? She’s an agile little thing and will jump through. She even managed to get up onto the kitchen roof and sneak into my friends room at 4am. But honestly, who can stay mad at that face? (As she was around a lot, we got worried she was a stray so checked round local social media and got in touch with her owner. She lives a couple of houses down and is regularly heading back for meals - she just used to be a stray so is very, very friendly, curious and confident!)
