Came home to dog licking back paw aggressively, callus is falling off, very red/light blood. What to do?

Read also:

Heartworm recovery question/ advice needed.

Weve got a approx 1 year old mutt rescue that came to us with a negative heartworm test and popped positive for them at our vet. I know it takes time for that to show up. Due to her super high energy and our almost daily 3+ mile walks we opted to try doxycycline intervals to kill the heartworms while being on proheart injections. We thought we were going to get a clean bill of health today but she was positive for heartworms again today. My concern with the shot is that she is a high energy high drive dog. My understanding is that it would mean no walks, play, yard zoomies, squirrel terrorism etc for 60 days. What kind of fun and enrichment can we provide her during this downtime? She is a great dog when she is tired. It is just a lot of work to get her tired.


I ran across this pic this morning...


Happy Whisker Wednesday from Dr. Bigwig MD!


Little Chip has a UTI, keep him in your thoughts. Medication twice a day for 10 days. Still eating and drinking, and doesn’t seem to be that serious thankfully. ❤️


Hmmm can I fit?

Liefje tries to figure out the new toy while Pippin waits his turn.


No alarm? No worries!

You forgot to set your alarm? Let me introduce you to BUNNYBUN, the new and improved alarm clock. It will run across your face while you sleep, and sniff your ears like its trying to do find treats. Also, it will dig into the sheets until you get a whole, and lastly but not least... IT WILL CHEW YOUR CHARGER. PreOrder yours now for $free.99!!!


Morning Sun

Her favorite place to lay in the morning, hogging all the sun in the dining room 😊


What kind of animal is this?? Lol


I love to spy on my Zenny when I am at work 🥹😂🐰🥰


Post butt bath angry bunrrito.
