Went to the Noah's Ark replica in Kentucky and they have dinosaurs on the Ark.

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Since i started astrophotography from my backyard I always have a passion for reaching highest level of details until recently I’ve captured my 145 megapixel moon mosaic image which took me 20 day’s for editing it. (Zoom for details)


For anyone who wonders what happened to the dinosaurs, here’s a Cassowary.


Abe Lincoln's hat he wore the night he was assassinated


Abandoned bunker from ww2 that used to host raves

It is so techno it hurts


These are the first detailed drawings of the moon by Galileo Galilei after he observed them through his homemade telescope in 1609.


Hornets nest from Hell


Ivory carved Thai chess set from the 1960s. Each piece is standing atop a carved puzzle ball with loose additional balls nested inside of them, the larger the piece, the more spheres it is standing on.

He passed away a few years ago, and we found this stashed away among other super interesting things he acquired during his 30 years of military service which took him all over the world from WWII through Vietnam. The board itself is made of mahogany for the white squares and ebony for black. The whole thing looks and feels so delicate that you don’t even want to touch it. The puzzle spheres for each piece are astonishing. The king is standing atop a sphere with 4 loose spheres nested inside. It’s mind-bending to think of how they were able to carve those. I love the elephants for rooks. Overall, it’s visually stunning and an incredible reminder of the incredible service my grandfather gave to our country.


The world's oldest wooden wheel yet discovered has been around for more than 5,000 years. It was found in 2002, approximately 12 miles south of Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, and is now housed in the city’s museum. The wheel’s age is somewhere between 5,100 and 5,350 years old.


Pluto will complete its first full orbit around Sun in the year March 23, 2178 since first discovered on February 18, 1930.

Source: https://www.livescience.com/33390-pluto-first-complete-orbit.html


This is what a “Super Moon” over the Temple of Poseidon looks like.
