It’s funny how often these two lines follow each other up

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what the fuck is this bug i found on me at my job.

i feel like its bad. jesus christ dont tell me its a bedbug or something. i work at a library and we've had books come in with bedbugs before.


Who's this fella?

Originally thought it was a common wolf spider which is pretty common out here in PV kansas. But the more I look the less it looks like a wolf to me.


Who is this megachonker? Found outside in Southern California


Is this a paperwasp/yellow jacket? Location Central CT

There are at least 4 of them in my basement and a nest inside the base of my front door. I don't see too many coming in and out of the nest I got some Why Rescue wasp traps, I need to find the entry way from wall to basement and seal. Can anyone tell me what I am dealing with?


what the hell is this thing


What is this?

Way high on a stairwell.


What is he? Sorry for the blur


What kind of moth is this ?

These moths have been showing up in my room and I have mostly eradicated them but I would like to know exactly what type they are so I can make sure they don’t come back.


What is this bug seen walking over our porch in southern Wisconsin?


What is my little friend in my store? Northwest Indiana

Crawling through some boxes at my store.
