
Read also:

I hate it when kids do coke first


When someone's profile picture is something like this (anything but them), what comes to mind?


Self sabotage is all I know


Quantity over quality


Why do I get this error when trying to share a profile?

For context, it’s someone who I’ve matched and am chatting with, so it’s not an inactive/deleted account. Other accounts I try to share work normally — it’s just this account I can’t share.


It’s funny how often these two lines follow each other up


what the fuck is this bug i found on me at my job.

i feel like its bad. jesus christ dont tell me its a bedbug or something. i work at a library and we've had books come in with bedbugs before.


Who's this fella?

Originally thought it was a common wolf spider which is pretty common out here in PV kansas. But the more I look the less it looks like a wolf to me.


Who is this megachonker? Found outside in Southern California


Is this a paperwasp/yellow jacket? Location Central CT

There are at least 4 of them in my basement and a nest inside the base of my front door. I don't see too many coming in and out of the nest I got some Why Rescue wasp traps, I need to find the entry way from wall to basement and seal. Can anyone tell me what I am dealing with?
