Has there ever been a more depressing email subject title?

Read also:

Does anyone else poach their eggs in the microwave?


My spring onion certainly sprung


Found this and it triggered PTSD!

Did anyone else have this burned into their brains for GCSE English?


Found The Sweeney

I’m not a car guy but that’s a great looking heap of metal.


These things convince me that farmers have some kind of black magic going on.

Like seriously, wtf. They’re found absolutely everywhere in the countryside, even way out in the most remote places, in the most difficult environments. On stupidly steak hills, on top of mountains, through forests… they consist of 1000s of tonnes of rock, like isn’t a farmers work hard enough? How do they get the balance so perfect, it must take years. Just build a wooden fence?? What’s more impressive is I just researched and there’s examples dating back to 3500BCE that are still up???? Completely baffles me every time I see one.


What is my house's name?

We bought this house in '21. Had all the windows and sills done this past month and the guy offered to repaint the original name (1906) back on. I looked it up as "Bare Hill Court/House" and said yes. GF and MiL say otherwise.


Well I guess it was just called Bradfield before…


The surveyor had their work cut out here

At best guess I would say they've been marking for underground services. How long before all their hard work gets worn away


Housing crisis is getting out of hand.


Blackberries are in season
