Please send help! I'm stuck like this for an hour!! I have to pee!

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Show me your cats with their parents

This is Django (right) with his mother Kitty (left). She came to our door once a few years back and demanded us to adopt her. I didn't know she was pregnant, then she gave birth to this little devil along with 3 others.


Do you think bros mad at me


relaxing cat


Ruined my shirt but looked so cute doing it


What to do with this little fella ?

Hello, a stray cat that I occasionnally feed in my garden has dropped her kitten in my wood reserve yesterday morning or 2 nights ago and she has gone MIA since yesterday afternoon. I was wondering if it's a normal behaviour for a mom to leave her kitten alone for quite some times, I have not witnessed the mom nurse it but it kind of grew up a bit since birth I guess ?? I have no idea how many days can this guy be aged. Concerning his left eye that looks infected, I washed it yesterday with some phy.serum on a gauze as it as some gunk that looks like pus around and in its eye, it seems a tiny bit better this morning. Any advice on what I should do ? Let the mom take care of it (she might have some other kitten elsewhere ?) ? Buy special kitten milk ? Vet is not an option as of right now I can't take it there. Thank you!


A white sausage upside down.


They made a HEART.

Took this a few years ago, but came across it in my phone. Litter mate brothers.


Cat Breed Identification

saw this funny meme but wondered is this a typical cat coat and could anyone identify the breed for me? I’m guessing some sort of cross



My dilute torbie BabyKitty. Yes that her name. Spelled just like that. And no her eyes are not blue. They are green. Just light is hitting it like that.


Wat did he see
