Can’t believe I just figured out that the Subway guy wouldn’t get his own coat cuz he had a boner

Read also:

"Why did i have to go third?!"


Why does everyone leap to defend that band so aggressively?


I have so many mixed feelings about this episode

- While Jeff was definitely a douchebag and asshole for leaving without giving an answer AND KISSING ANNIE on the same damn night, I don't think the way Britta and Slater handled this way was right either - They were obviously competing for his affection but so much so it felt less about him and more about being the one who "won him" - Clearly Jeff was uncomfortable being placed in the middle but to make things worse, they force him to make a choice during a public event with so many people around - That kind of pressure would definitely askew your honest decision that could have ramifications long-term, especially when given such an arbitrary timeline and ultimatum - It rubbed me the wrong way that everyone made Jeff to be the sole villain while Britta, Slater and even Annie (she kissed him as much as he did her) were made to seem as the damsels who were taken advantage of - Also Annie was aware of the whole situation with Britta and Slater and still punched Jeff as if he cheated on her or something (I know Annie is very emotionally immature at that stage) - I know it's a TV show (one hell of a shoe by the way😎) and plots are written according to the creative teams. They really ended up creating an amazing show with such an incredible cast.


Ahhhhhh yes, that feeling.






Hi. I'm sorry for posting again. I got suspended because I am subhuman, and just saying "sorry" this time won't cut it. So here's my album. Not to listen, but to tear apart. The best apology someone can give is if they let you tear them apart for all they've done. Here's the ammo.


he was only 2




Ghost of Tsushima

Just playing this for first time , god dam this game is probably one of the most beautiful games I’ve ever seen , so many moments of just standing there and panting camera around . Just wow 😮
