Industrial Building Windows

Hello! I live on the 8th floor of an old industrial building with screenlesss windows that open outward AND inward. Recently one of my little 5 month old kittens has become even more brave and curious and jumped onto the edge of the frame. I’m absolutely terrified she will get up there and fall. If it were up to me I’d just never open the windows again but I do live with a roommate who needs fresh air. Posting here in hopes that someone may have an idea that could help secure these windows. If anything happened to my sweet kitten I’d never forgive myself. I looked into flat cats screens but because the window opens both inward and outward I’m afraid that won’t work. Is there anything I can do to secure them or keep her from getting up there? Any and all suggestions appreciated.

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And he chewed up the box too. 😜


Processing... ⏳


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