i haven’t slept in days

i have two cats that i love so so much but they get so hyper at night and keep me up literally all night. i’ve tried things like cbd oil (for pets of course) and it worked great but i hate doing that to them. if i don’t figure out how to keep them from keeping me up, i’ll probably resort to that again. is there any other more natural remedies that anyone has tried? maybe a way to wear them out before bedtime.

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Are Njuta's front legs normal?

Weird title, but are his front legs positioned normally? I've been raising this kitten since birth and he's almost at 8 weeks. He has absolutely no issues with moving and can climb/play like nobody's business, though when he saw the vet at 3 weeks they said he had weak back legs and there was a small chance he'd need splints- at the time he'd mostly move by dragging his body with his front legs. I've never thought of how he sits, but my partner came over and saw his stance and expressed concern at his... elbows(?) since he remembered what the vet said. He'll be seeing the vet again Monday, but this has been running circles in my head for days and I'd like reassurance (or be told I should schedule that visit sooner).


Crusty cat!

So this is Augustus! He's 3 years old and UTD on all shots. He is fixed. He's been with us now for about two months and he lives outside for the time being (FIV positive kitty lives inside). For the first two weeks, Auggie was thriving. He still is, but now he's crusty! In this photo, you can see dark spots on his nose and around his eyes. He's developed more crusties on his whole body. They don't seem to bleed, they just flake off and the hair goes with them. We took him to the vet immediately after I noticed the first crusty (I was scared it was mange!). They didn't give me a specific reason, just said allergies and gave him a steroid shot and antibiotics. He was tested for parasites at this time with a skin scrape and all was negative (went ahead and did an FIV test then just to make sure and that's negative as well). I'd love to find something to help my baby! He isn't in pain, he has a normal appetite, and plays with his doggy sister and little kitten brothers (kittens and dogs are all UTD on shots and tested with no parasites as well) just fine. Does this look familiar to anyone? I would love some direction on what to ask the vet about the next time I take him (next week). Thanks in advance!


How to help a cat get around in a cone

This is Plato. He had surgery yesterday to have a small lump on his inner right leg removed because the vet was concerned about it. He came home with the cone of shame and has to wear it for 2 weeks. I feel so bad because it’s so awkward for him to get around and I’ve had to guide him as he keeps bumping into things. I tried clipping it to see if that would help with his depth perception but he’s still having some trouble. My mom says he’ll get the hang of it eventually but I was wondering if there’s anything else I can do to make things easier for him.


Not sure what to do about neglected cat.

For the last few months there's been a little cat hanging around outside my flat. He's extremely friendly and desperate to get in my house, even once climbing in through the kitchen window whilst I'd been cooking. He's pretty much a bag of bones and on the occasional times I've fed him he's eaten like he's not been fed in years. His fur feels waxy and matted, he's covered in scabs and for a while a wound wasn't healing due to over grooming. He was also covered in fleas when I initially met him, but have since given him flea treatment and lots of brushing which he loves. Seemed obvious that I'd just take this cat in, but someone else in block had noticed him and took him to the vet and it turns out not only is he microchipped but the owner lives one building over and says he is going home to eat. I've never seen this cat leave if I'm honest, I'll wake up at 3am and he'll be asleep outside my front door. I've got the owners number and have contacted her a few times about the state he's in, mentioned his overgrooming. I stopped feeding in the hope he'd return home but no luck. I contacted the RSPCA because he's definitely neglected, although I doubt it's intentional. They haven't done anything or been back in contact so the situation remains the same. I'm having to carefully manoeuvre in and out my own home to stop him getting in. I don't know what to do anymore. I'd take him in a heartbeat but everyone would know I'd stolen him. I don't know if it's worth taking him back to the vet with my concerns and asking them to have a chat with his owner? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. For the time being I've named him Buster.


12 year old male spraying. HELP!

Hi there! Reaching out because I’m starting to get desperate. My male indoor cat (12 years old) has been spraying recently on our shoes, laundry basket, and now the couch outside in the sun room. I’ve caught him backing up onto the wall where our shoes used to be. He has been with me since he was a kitten. We have an 8 month old baby that he seems uninterested in. 2 years ago we had his hyperthyroidism treated with radiation. His blood work since then is normal. So this is clearly a behavioral thing, I’m thinking. We bought a few feliways, they don’t seem to be doing anything. Is it the baby? I clean his litter box every other day. I’m getting to the point of almost being in tears because I can’t stand the smell! It’s embarrassing. Anyone have any advice? Thank you!


Does anyone have any recommendations for hairball prevention


How to get a new adoption back in my room?

Hello all. My new cat OJ (short for Orange Julius) is slowly acclimating to my home. I had him shut in my bedroom initially but let him out when he was pawing and crying at the door. How can I get him back into a smaller and less anxiety provoking space liike my bedroom without traumatizing him? He is not doing well with the larger space.


Switching up diet, advice?

Details in comments :]


My poor boy has been squinting out of one eye lately. Is this pink eye?


Inescapable cat harness.

My little boy is a master at escaping the harnesses I use to bring him outside on a leash. Does anyone have any reccomendations for harnesses that are better for a slick cat like mine? I dont want to hear crap about him being outside, i will not rob him of his instincts. The cat and the yard are both treated for fleas and ticks.
