Statue of Akhenaten, reign: 1353-1336 B.C. Depicting the pharaoh with wide hips and breasts. Yale Dr. Irwin Braverman claims he had feminine features due to a genetic mutation that caused the pharaoh's body to synthesize more female hormones than needed. [3456x5184].

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Formula or kitten food?

Hi everyone! We found this little guy all one in the road and I’m wondering if he/she should have formula or wet food? We gave him some wet food already but I don’t want to continue it if he’s too young


My baby’s chin is swollen, does this seem like a possible tooth abscess?

For context, she’s 12 has diabetes and FIV. I got her when she was a stray at already 7 years old, I found out she was abandoned and have taken care of her ever since. She already had FIV when I got her and developed the diabetes as she got older. I give her insulin twice a day, even with this swelling she is excited to eat and drink, goes to the bathroom and wants cuddles. She’s a lot skinnier but last time I took her to the vet they said it’s because of her condition + age and as long as she’s still lively she’s okay. I feed her !a lot! And she’s always excited to eat. I have an appointment set on Friday I don’t know if I have the money but I’ll do anything for her, I just want to know if I’m doing the right thing. I love her so so so so so much I wish I could express it better, I want her to be okay and healthy. Thank you and sorry for the long post.



My cat randomly has a scar on his little arm… Can’t tell what it is! Any help is appreciated


my GG have Breast cancer. Buying palladia pills for her. Wonder If pills can be divided.


Sore/scab smaller than a dime on my cats side. Is it anything I need to be worried about?


Our cat pukes frequently and we can’t figure out why

Our cat Fergie (We don’t really know her age but probably somewhere around 1-2) throws up once every 2 days on average. At first we thought it was that she had a sensitive stomach, so we switched her food to a variety for sensitive stomachs. Then we thought maybe she was eating too much, so we cut back on her food. Currently she eats 1/4 cup of food in the morning and night, with about 3/4 an ounce of wet food around dinner time. Cutting back didn’t seem to help it at all either. I’ve noticed it’s more frequent in the night time, sometimes we’ll be awake for it, but often we’ll just discover it in the morning. Any ideas to help our kitty keep her food down? I always feel so bad for her and am worried it’s affecting her health


What’s in my cat’s stool?

He is 5 months old, from a shelter, eats and drinks well, purrs normally. Looked like a roundworm from a quick google search but he doesn’t have any other symptoms ie. diarrhea, vomiting, belly shape, etc. Besides getting some dewormer meds, what else do I need to do if it’s a roundworm? Or any other worm?


My new-ish kitten pees outside of the litter box. Long story in the comments.


Is this normal

Note the camera makes it look a bit reder then it actually is I would describe it as a dark brown almost black Just the stuff around her eye am slightly concerned about There's no real signs of aggression or pain Very playful Approximately 1.5 year female


Every now and then, Flynn sprouts a white whisker.
