What’s in my cat’s stool?

He is 5 months old, from a shelter, eats and drinks well, purrs normally. Looked like a roundworm from a quick google search but he doesn’t have any other symptoms ie. diarrhea, vomiting, belly shape, etc. Besides getting some dewormer meds, what else do I need to do if it’s a roundworm? Or any other worm?

Read also:

My new-ish kitten pees outside of the litter box. Long story in the comments.


Is this normal

Note the camera makes it look a bit reder then it actually is I would describe it as a dark brown almost black Just the stuff around her eye am slightly concerned about There's no real signs of aggression or pain Very playful Approximately 1.5 year female


Every now and then, Flynn sprouts a white whisker.


Just noticed this small black bumb near my girl's eye. Is this something to be concerned about? It doesn't appear to bother her at all.


My kitty's eye is inflamed and closed

He was normal before we gave him a bath. We think it might've been the cat shampoo getting in his eyes. Does this look like your typical irritation😢? We're kind of low on money right now. We cant go to a vet yet.


Does this look like "forbidden rice" in my cat's diarrhea?

I'm pretty sure it is. It's 1:30am here so still some hours before I can go to the vet.


Sleeping next to litter?

We switched littered boxes a couple days ago and I’ve put down the blanket for now til I get a litter catching mat. She’s not timid, hasn’t shown any signs of being sick or stressed. She was just laying in my lap licking me she’s very affectionate. But I know that it’s not a good sign for them to sleep next to where they poop. She is a slightly weird cat though. I’m just a little worried.


i haven’t slept in days

i have two cats that i love so so much but they get so hyper at night and keep me up literally all night. i’ve tried things like cbd oil (for pets of course) and it worked great but i hate doing that to them. if i don’t figure out how to keep them from keeping me up, i’ll probably resort to that again. is there any other more natural remedies that anyone has tried? maybe a way to wear them out before bedtime.


Are Njuta's front legs normal?

Weird title, but are his front legs positioned normally? I've been raising this kitten since birth and he's almost at 8 weeks. He has absolutely no issues with moving and can climb/play like nobody's business, though when he saw the vet at 3 weeks they said he had weak back legs and there was a small chance he'd need splints- at the time he'd mostly move by dragging his body with his front legs. I've never thought of how he sits, but my partner came over and saw his stance and expressed concern at his... elbows(?) since he remembered what the vet said. He'll be seeing the vet again Monday, but this has been running circles in my head for days and I'd like reassurance (or be told I should schedule that visit sooner).


Crusty cat!

So this is Augustus! He's 3 years old and UTD on all shots. He is fixed. He's been with us now for about two months and he lives outside for the time being (FIV positive kitty lives inside). For the first two weeks, Auggie was thriving. He still is, but now he's crusty! In this photo, you can see dark spots on his nose and around his eyes. He's developed more crusties on his whole body. They don't seem to bleed, they just flake off and the hair goes with them. We took him to the vet immediately after I noticed the first crusty (I was scared it was mange!). They didn't give me a specific reason, just said allergies and gave him a steroid shot and antibiotics. He was tested for parasites at this time with a skin scrape and all was negative (went ahead and did an FIV test then just to make sure and that's negative as well). I'd love to find something to help my baby! He isn't in pain, he has a normal appetite, and plays with his doggy sister and little kitten brothers (kittens and dogs are all UTD on shots and tested with no parasites as well) just fine. Does this look familiar to anyone? I would love some direction on what to ask the vet about the next time I take him (next week). Thanks in advance!
