Interesting news coming out of Elon's personal life

Read also:

Klaus Musk haz spoken. And you will eat bugzzz and be happyyy.


Homophobic mom threatens to burn my pride flag

for reference i was wearing a bisexual pride flag in a semi-rural town


Cutting of contact with my dad.

Photo is one of many texts I have received accusing me of using him, I was working until 5pm on his birthday and didn’t want to stay overnight at his house. As the title says I’ll be trying to cut contact with my dad soon. I’m 17 currently, our relationship has been rocky to say the least for about 6 or 7 years now. Since I got into middle school where I was diagnosed with depression at 10 and had a prior diagnosis of ADHD at the age of 3. He was very much a helicopter parent always worried about me hurting myself, only leaving me alone for things like showering and sleeping and using the bathroom. The rift between use really started to become apparent to me 3 years ago after I came out as trans. He had no problem when I came out as bisexual so I figured this would be the same and I’d get the same support as before. His sister, my aunt is very religious and transphobic as well as homophobic, she got this from my grandma my dads mother. It took me a year to tell my grandma for obvious reasons but a month later my grandma told my aunt to which my dad did nothing. He allowed my aunt to tell me the usual transphobic things, “it’s just a phase” “you’re only hurting yourself and others around you” “turn to god he will heal you” etc. At first I brushed it off, until summer of 2020 we went on a road trip and stayed at my aunts house for a week. During this time my dad did nothing when I was called the wrong name, being made fun of for wearing male clothes and called a woman. Since I started work in summer of 2022 he has blamed me and accused me of using him for money and never wanting to hang out with him and choosing my work schedule so I don’t have to see him. My first job he personally called my boss and told them all the days I was with my father and that I would not under any circumstances be working those days. At that point I did not have my own car, I quit that job a year later. 4 months ago I got my first car to which my dad protested saying I never told him I was getting a car and how dare I not tell him I was getting it on a weekend I was supposed to be with him, I told him 2 months in advance and continuously reminded him. A week after I got my car I got a new job that I’m still working at and absolutely love. Unfortunately we are extremely understaffed with me and only 4 other people working here, because of this most of my summer has been working every day for 8 to 12 hour shifts. My mother and therapist suggested that I use work as a way to distance myself from my father and that may help him to realize how he treats me. I saw him for the first time in a month last night. I had not planned for it to be that long but he went on a vacation to see his sister that I expressed I didn’t feel comfortable coming with. Upon seeing him he immediately went on a rant about me abandoning him and my duties at his house and using him only for money and only speaking to him when I needed something. When I first told him I only wish to see him once a week until he went to therapy and learned how he is treating me is not healthy he freaking out he responded with a long email accusing my mother and her mother of brainwashing me and forcing me to hate him when he has done nothing but good things for me my entire life. Seeing him and talking to him after a month made it clear to me after visiting my therapist that cutting contact is what is healthiest for me. I have tried for years to work with and around him, my moms boyfriend of 3 months has been a better father figure to me than my biological dad every has. I consider my moms boyfriend to be my dad as he has done things for me that fit into a fatherly role. I’m planing to grab some of the things I value most from my dads house next week before cutting contact with him. I don’t know yet how I’m going to tell him and I’m asking friends and family that have known of the situation for a while to help me talk to him. I still wish to keep in contact with my grandparents as they have done nothing wrong. Since my autism diagnosis at 16 in 2022 they have been nothing but supportive of me while my dad has used it as a way to further ridicule me. Any advice would be appreciated, thank you.




the universe massages🥺♥️


The tiredness just doesn't end....


Don't let your depression fool you, you look great!


does it?




At least something is permanent😅
