You couldn't make the Muppets today, this is because practical puppets are more expensive for production so it would likely be really shitty CGI.

Read also:

In Black Widow (2021), the title characters drop a city out of the sky, where it crashes to Earth, and everyone is fine. The robot in Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) thought this would obliterate all life on Earth. This is a reference to the fact that AI is stupid.


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In X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009), Wolverine walks away after blowing something up, this a reference to me leaving the Taco Bell bathroom


In Django Unchained (2012), this gentleman earns his living as a slave overseer. This is a reference that crystal meth wasn't invented in 1858.


Hereditary (2018) was given that title because it was how the young girl died in it (Her-head-hit-a-tree)


In 1994, audiences witnessed two men accused of double murder. Despite stronger evidence against him, Andy Dufresne from ‘The Shawshank Redemption' is believed innocent, while OJ Simpson is widely seen as guilty.


69 minutes in Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, a character takes a sniff, says "There is evil here" and looks directly at you. This is because we all know you have a dirty mind plus you farted.


You couldn't make Blazing Saddles (1974) today. But your brother could. Why can't you be more like your brother? Maybe if you spent less time on Reddit and more time in the real world you'd be able to accomplish something. Your mother and I are very disappointed in you. Now go clean your room.


In Avatar The Way of Water (2022): Spider decides to choose between a genetic parent who genuinely loves him, and another who only sees him as a pet with a wife who hates him and humans in general, and picks the latter, a reference to Spider being an idiot.


Barbie(2023) became such a serious threat upon masculinity that after my third watch my wienie inverted and I’m now a woman
