Ramswamy is a fascist.

Read also:

Defund the vaccines!!!


When the headline is “two hillbillies get into gunfight outside dollar general” it’s never shared as “proof” red states are “bad” but the same is never true about “East coast liberal havens” like New York City


For the doctor and patient’s privacy I covered their face. “Dr.” Anastasia Maria Loupis calling for the doctor’s license to be taken away for doing surgeries on adults. It was never about the kids but to harass others.


100% accurate.


Funny how elections come up soon and suddenly he wants to act like he helps out others out of his heart and not as a pr stunt. The guy who “talks to dead people” and the far right are trying to pass as a “democrat”.


Feminism is not about supremacy or reducing others rights. That's the patriarchy. Feminism is about equality of rights for both genders. And it feels like too many people are spreading misinformation by trying to claim its the former rather than the latter


Enough said


dead end job

i’m stuck in a dead end job and i really just want to find out ways to make more money and get my ass out of this absolute chaos


we know where everyone is at all time


still buying guns for the sake of it
