Taking your bull for a ride.

Really thought this woulda been Texas. https://twitter.com/TheInsiderPaper/status/1697211750116974846?s=19

Read also:

Weird paper I found in a sealed box of brownie mix

Saw someone’s post about this same thing and it made me remember when I found one.


Type of Knife

Knife is very flexible but does anyone have any ideas type of knife this is and what it may have been used for I have to write up a report and would be helpful if I knew a little about it to not sound more of an idiot that I am Thank you in advance


I found this at goodwill a year ago. I'm returning it, I can't bear to have it anymore, but the cycle must continue


Very uncomfortable billboard


i keep getting these wounds which are always 2 spots in this pattern when i wake up, usually get it down my legs but today i got it on my arm now

if you question why my arm is so small, im173cm 16 years old but only 42kg


Cinder blocks and cement-filled buckets with ropes tied to them found at the bottom of a dried up dam


I found a full potato bag of skulls and seperated jaws of some animals under a bridge somewhat near the city. Any ideas what animal that might be? And why ?


Wth? i woke up with this bite? on my leg, and there are mostly mosquitos here?


Fried towel.


A YT live in 1970?
