Can this photo be saved? Would like it enhanced (with color preferably) specifically to the woman's features. $10 tip

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Hey there, Looking to have this image photoshopped in the following ways: 1: Remove the other houses in the background. 2: improve the way the grass looks. 3: maybe a higher definition/sharper if possible. Thank you! Tipping 7.50 euros through paypal to the best image at 150 CEST


One year anniversary of my brother in laws death is approaching. My in laws really want to use this pic for his gravestone. Could someone remove the straw/drink and give a solid colour background, please?


Hello! Can someone paint the rims on my car black? I want to see how it would look before I change them


Can someone remove the hair and hat and one with head of possible thanks


My mom would like to get this photo develop and gift it to her sister and brother but she'd like to have the red haired girl (her cousin) on the left edited out. Could somebody please help her and remove her from the picture?


90% of paper straws contain forever chemicals


For the holidays, the Cleveland Browns will wish their players a “Merry Christmas” and slay their firstborn


Was just trying to see if any good deals on PS5s out there....


I just wanted some soup… manual can opener it is


What is this thing???

Found one crawling up my bedroom wall about two weeks ago and, although it was creepy, I made no issue of it. Flash forward to today and I have my friend screaming in the living room after eyeballing the exact same insect. I have no idea what it is, so if you can identify, PLEASE let me know!!
