Who else’s chicken has 5 toes lol

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First time making biochar!

10 liter bucket filled with about 3,5kg of char, mixed in four or five big handfuls of donkey manure, about the same amount of finished compost, topped off with grey-water …and I peed on it. Twice. Now we let it rest for a while, stir it every few hours and continue to pee on it obviously. Let’s hope our raised garden beds will love some added biochar to hold onto our precious water and feed them all the micronutrients they’ll ever need


struggling with processing

Hey everyone! I have an extra rooster who needs to go, he is starting to destroy my hens. I know I need to learn how to cull birds anyway because I have had a few sick ones that I just ended up paying a ridiculous amount of money to bring to the vet. I figured that it would be best to process him since he also has a wing defect and nobody in my local backyard chicken groups seems to want him. I’m just really struggling with it. I’ve watched all the videos and can get all of the tools. I’m really okay with death or so I thought and considered myself somewhat tough but I really can’t seem to get over this mental block of killing something. Can anyone offer support or tips? I eat meat from the grocery store and am trying very hard to get over my disconnect from where my food comes from and feel like such a hypocrite. No answer or story is too long or weird. Tell me about how you felt before and after. Thanks so much!


Suggestions for steep driveway? Currently looking at guard rails.

I have a very steep driveway that borders a cliff. Previously there was at least shrubs and trees to keep you on the road, but recent state fire clearing has left it as an exposed cliffside. I'm trying to find an affordable option to box the driveway in to improve safety. Especially in icy weather, it's possible to slide off to your doom. Has anyone dealt with this and has some suggestions? Picture is of a common highway guard rail, not my death trap of a driveway.


Treat time lol


Morning haul! along with the garden veg, 3 lbs of chanterelle mushrooms from our back woods.


What is this?

I’m cleaning out the attic of my barn to make space for food for the winter and found this old tool. It’s probably from the USSR but interesting because it looks brand new. Anybody have any ideas?


Dahlia 💜


Is she close to laying pls answer fast

So this is my 18 week year old black sexlink her wattles have grown a lot


Loose cattle this morning

So it happened… the property behind us has been logging that land. I was feeding hay and noticed Moo our steer wasn’t there. I look out and see him hundreds of yards away on that timber land. Moo wanted the leaves on the trees over there and busted a hole in the fence. So I had to bring him back (and fix the fence of course). At least he was the only one to escape. Nothing like fetching loose cattle. Can’t say I’ve ever done it before and don’t want to do it again. Lessons learned: Cattle want food and will follow you for it Cattle are large and will not do anything they don’t want to Cattle can’t jump even though they try - so I guess you can say they do: but not well Check the fence a bit more frequently


Hawthorn Ideas?

The hawthorn looks beautiful and full of fruit. Does anyone do anything with it or do you leave it for the birds?
