Trying to buy safety goggles for a chemistry class. What the fuck is this site smoking

Read also:

My rice cooker decided to ruin my rice today


Shoutout to the Amazon worker making me late

After getting back in their car they go do the same thing at another building.


My google nest subscription went up over 60%


It is the teachers right to do this but I just don’t get rounding down every time

I know that teachers dont have to round up for you but it’s still annoying when they dont. It’s also a pain in the ass to track which classes round and which don’t


Email with return instructions neglects to include address or authorization number, even though it states I have to include it, and I only get 10 days. They're not responding to follow up email.


MS Team's adding emojis to suggested replies

I don't use emojis in teams chat in general but it gets suggested to me.


bought a new ring binder and assumed this was a sticker i could just peel off, turns out it’s just printed onto it and i can’t take it off :/


Delivery of my binoculars

I’m beginning to hate lazy Amazon delivery drivers


Progressive casually raising my insurance rate 27% from $590 to $750 for no reason at all.


Can someone explain these lyrics?
