Ava sings a LOT and I often stop to listen for a second because she’s just cute as a button. Apparently I’m not the only one that enjoys it!

Read also:

Lights! Camera! ACTION!


When the caffeine hits...


Yes, Stitches. Yes, it is 🙂

Moments like these is why I love the Pocket Camp widget


The extra item

Where did the extra item go that was here? It was either a surfboard or a fan.


Flick spawned into my graveyard and it's a VIBE


Cali Cafe


Flick hasn't been to my island in a while, and after selling off all the bugs in my storage, I'm now 567,300 bells richer.

I love that he's just casually walking around with that amount of cash on him. Anyone who says Flick and CJ live together to "save money" is full of shit, lol.


Rude Visitor

I had my island open on Turnip Exchange this morning because the boys had good prices, Leif was in the plaza, and I had some DIY's to give away. Told people they could shop and explore and that I was gonna be periodically AFK. Now, in their defense, I didn't specify that people couldn't shake trees and pick flowers, but in all my years of playing, I figured that was a given unless specified otherwise. So I gave them the benefit of the doubt, and when I caught them decimating my campsite, I asked them nicely to stop. They stopped and ran...and then I discovered the true depth of the transgression. They DEFORRESTED my entire hyacinth forest, as well as multiple other flower patches. I finally caught up with them again...STILL PICKING FLOWERS. That was the last straw, they ran to the airport before I could DC but I. Am. LIVID. My island is a dystopia of stems and I want to cry.


ACNH Monopoly

Hi, I just got ACNH monopoly and wanted to cover the only original designs left from monopoly ("free parking", "prison" and "go to prison") and maybe add homebrew rules on them. Any idea on where to get the patterns from the board and the lettering font? Thanks in advance!


Couldn’t cross post. But this made me smile
