Child playing Atari in his home 1982

Read also:

Elvis Presley and his parents 1937


From a Ladies' Self-Defense Manual - Circa early 1900s

Lifting her umbrella swiftly, she strikes the ruffian's jaw. Alternatively, with a precise kick to the kneecap, she takes him down.


American soldiers on their way home from World War II, 1945.


The Exorcist turns 50 this year, released in theaters on December 26, 1973. Directed by William Friedkin, with a budget of just $12 million, it would gross $428 million and be nominated for nine Academy Awards


Charles Dana Gibson, an American illustrator, working at his desk, around the early 1900s.

Charles Dana Gibson was a renowned American illustrator active during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He gained fame for synthesizing the "Gibson Girl," a symbolic depiction of the idealized Euro-American woman of that era. This figure embodied both beauty and independence, reflecting the evolving societal views of women at the dawn of the 20th century. To complement his Gibson Girl, Gibson introduced the Gibson Man as her counterpart. Distinguished, gallant, and full of admiration, the Gibson Man clearly revered the Gibson Girl. Gibson's illustrations subtly highlighted his admiration for women's superiority, but he managed to convey this without making men overtly conscious of this bias. The inspiration for Gibson's Man was [Richard Harding Davis,]( the turn-of-the-century "Ideal Man," who also likely didn't recognize his perceived inferiority in Gibson's view. Read more about Gibson [here.]( Read more about the ["Gibson Girl."](


1985... the 101st Airborne Division... searching for and destroying marijuana... by burning... in large bales... guard duty downwind was so chill


George and Lorraine... 1985


Elton John, Rod Stewart and Michael Parkinson playing in a charity football match in 1974..


Shirley Slade 1943, WW II pilot of B-26 and B-39 aircrafts


Me and Dad on vacation in 1995
