They reset my acceptance rate?

My acceptance was just below 50% because I was only getting bad to mediocre orders but they sent me a heated bag, a red card, and reset my acceptance rate. Let’s see if I start getting better offers. This happen to anyone else and if it did, how’d the offers go for you?

Read also:

I wanna hit that send button soooo bad.


I'm getting sick of getting offered orders from a town that should be in it's own market but isn't for some reason...


Just received this email. Is resetting your acceptance rate worth it?

For reference, I just got back into dashing after a couple years. My account was left off with a 4.9 star rating and < 40% acceptance rate. I’ve been getting consistently shitty orders past couple weeks and dinner shift is surprisingly dead at times. Does a reset actually help you out


Believe it or not, this is the best offer I've received today...


App issues

Anyone else being sent this error despite being logged in? Force closed app, cleared app cache, rebooted phone (android). Still happening.




First contract violation dropped it off at apt 104 instead of 108


Gee Thanks

But we have no issue sending you nonstop orders while you are doing 50 on the highway 👍


can someone tell me why the flip "other" takes up so much space, and how I can clear it up? I can only download like 3 games at a time because of this.


This seems to happen for every game I search. I've checked my preferences and nothing is checked off that should be filtering games out. Has anyone else had this happen?
