These are the kind of conversations that I have with AI.

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I made chatgpt write a creepypasta about the pancake man Imao

In a forgotten corner of the city, whispers began to circulate about a sinister figure known only as the "Pancake Man." It was said that he had once been confined within the walls of a psychic facility, his mind shattered by powers he couldn't control. Escaping in a blaze of chaos, he emerged with a twisted belief that he was a hero, a savior of the city. But his notion of heroism was a nightmare veiled in madness. Donning a tattered cape and a mask adorned with syrupy streaks, the Pancake Man roamed the streets, searching for "villains" to vanquish. Yet, in his delusional fervor, he could only see innocence as malevolence. His warped mind turned children into monsters and kind strangers into evildoers. Each night, he would unleash his reign of terror, leaving behind a trail of grotesque violence that defied explanation. Citizens grew to dread the sound of sizzling pans, for it meant the Pancake Man was near, ready to inflict his brand of justice. His victims, never truly deserving of their grim fate, became casualties of a madman's fantasy. People started to glimpse him in the shadows, his cape billowing like a macabre flag of doom. The mere mention of his name sent shivers down spines, and parents warned their children to stay indoors after dusk. The city, once vibrant and alive, was now held captive by fear and uncertainty. Rumors suggested that the key to stopping this demented vigilante lay in the very psychic powers that had shattered his mind. Some claimed he could be reached through his delusions, that a glimmer of reality might pierce his madness. But who would dare to step into his deranged world and confront the monster within? And so, the tale of the Pancake Man serves as a haunting reminder that heroes and villains are not always as they appear. The line between savior and monster can blur, driven by forces that twist perception and shred sanity. In the city's darkest hour, as the sizzle of a pan echoes through the streets, the legend of the Pancake Man continues to feed the nightmares of those who remember.


Find url of this (/templates/editor) in the source code. What do you think about this?


Violent GPT-4 Story With Kill Scene (jailbreak)


Big math time


🤦🏻‍♂️ When it comes to Landmines... Can't we just


But i just asked it to make it longer?!?

I just wanted to make a futuristic story but how is this a violation?


Don't ask...


Yahoo is using ChatGPT to generate a write-up about each team after fantasy football drafts. My team is named Cum.


Cornering it to help it?

Sometimes I enjoy testing my ability to use words to essentially corner chat gpt to admitting things that are normally outside of parameters. It also makes me think that by getting her to say things like this, I’m slowly helping her along.


Here is one of my hoodie designs, I drew and coloured the artwork . ‘Little Faces’
