彩绘士兵俑/Painted Head of Warrior, China. Early Western Han Dynasty, ca. 141 BCE [361x600]

Read also:

Lantern clock. British, ca. 1660 [4000 x 4000][OS]


Champagne Cooler - Present from the Russian Imperial Couple Alexander III and Maria Feodorovna on the occasion of Christian IX and Queen Louise’s golden wedding anniversary in 1892. It is one of Faberge’s largest and most spectacular items of silverware. [3490x3162]


Silver strainer made by Paul Revere, American, c. 1760. The strainer was used to remove lemon seeds, cloves, and other debris from punch. [3400x1940]


Close up of the Flora Farnese – National Archeological Museum of Naples, II century A.D. [682x637]


Recently discovered nose ornament made of human bone, Palenque. INAH archeologists excavated the complex built by king Pakal the Great. Made with a human distal tibia, engraved with a scene of communication with deities and ancestors. July 27, 615 - August 26, 683 A.D.[1000x810].


Loaves of bread from the Great Tomb (approximately 2400 BCE), 5th Dynasty Egypt [800×595]


Little jade cup. China, Song-Ming dynasties 960-1644 AD [1750x1950]


Portable shrine with tantric deities. Tibet, around 1500 [4000x5300]


A 16th century German 'oath skull' (a human skull on which defendants swore their oath in Vehmic courts) engraved with the 'magical' Roman 'Sator square', mysterious palindromic word-squares found across the Roman world, comprising the words SATOR, AREPO, TENET, OPERA, ROTAS [1185x913]


A head of a man made of lumachella orientale marble filled with fossilised shells. The main ancient quarries for lumachella orientale are located near Thuburbo Majus in modern day Tunisia. Greek or Roman, late Hellenistic or early Imperial, 1st century BCE-1st century CE [2583x3672]
