Treble clef what to with it?

Hi! I’m looking for a cover up of the treble clef (the music thing) I do like my Bowie tattoo but because it’s so close to the thing I’m open for covering up the whole thing. I like cats but my wrist is a bit small so a sick ass panther wont really fit I’m afraid. Side note: I got the treble clef when I got 18 (12 years ago) and I wanted a tattoo. I wanted a small one but the artist said this was the smallest and thinnest they could do. It’s about 7 cm.

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any cover up/accompanying ideas?

i actually like this tattoo but was thinking it might be a little out of place now. i was thinking of covering it up or adding something to it to make it a more generic tattoo. any ideas?


(Not mine) Spotted this cool coverup. Very solid black

By @luk.sok


Any ideas what I could cover this camera with?




If you can’t win honestly then just change the rules to the game


One of them should've changed their name. Still confuses me to this day.


Praise Spez 💯


Coconut has a thriving practice as a family therapist, and wants you to know that you were doing the best you could with what you had at the time. ♥️

“I believe in you.”


Father and son


Ministry of Silly Walks 1970
