Should I cover this with a sickass winged wolf?

I got two tattoos when I was in a wonky mental state. I thought if I had a constant reminder that no matter what, someone somewhere would like me, I'd feel motivated to keep going. Hence why it's on my wrist. Unfortunately all it does is remind me of the state my head was in and how my dad yelled at me for it. Should I get it covered up?

Read also:

Exs initials covered


Any ideas for what i can cover this with? Its from a past relationship. Im a 26 year old man if this helps. Maybe something to do with outer space or ufos?

Any ideas?


At home disaster

I thought you guys would get a kick out of my bad decisions. It's been two years and a baby since this pic was taken so it's not getting any prettier. Suggestions are good, (for someday) but I'm poor.


crappy wrist tattoo

any ideas of what to put here to cover this up? my friend tattooed it but i hate it.


Kawaii Foot Tattoo Coverup

Any coverups ideas for my buddy? We begged him not to get the tattoo, but he insisted for some reason. Let’s just say hindsight is always 20/20 and he now has perfect vision. Cover up was already attempted (the curved lines on the cloud) but the kawaii persists nonetheless. I suggested that he gets a foot sleeve, which I think would be cool, but he doesn’t want anything much bigger. Maybe a sick ass panther might work now that I ponder. Any other ideas?


coverup suggestions pls


This needs a miracle…

This has to be the World’s largest cover up. Is this even possible? This was a huge mistake


faded enough?

i’ve been getting removal since dec 20’ on this and idk if its my skin color but i feel like progress should be further along … is he using the wrong laser setting am i getting scammed or is this regular? but it is faded enough for a coverup yet & will my skin ever get its pigment back? tia




Treble clef what to with it?

Hi! I’m looking for a cover up of the treble clef (the music thing) I do like my Bowie tattoo but because it’s so close to the thing I’m open for covering up the whole thing. I like cats but my wrist is a bit small so a sick ass panther wont really fit I’m afraid. Side note: I got the treble clef when I got 18 (12 years ago) and I wanted a tattoo. I wanted a small one but the artist said this was the smallest and thinnest they could do. It’s about 7 cm.
