Communication lines

So in mid-June a storm blew 2 communication lines down in our yard. We draped them on the fence so they didn’t get cut by the lawnmower. One line belonged to ATT and one to Comcast. We have been trying to have them come out and address this for the last 6 weeks. Hours of calls, sometimes they would actually send someone out to evaluate. Everyone who evaluated it started with ‘this is really bad’, but it never got repaired. Finally we called our state utilities commission and 3 evaluators came out within 1.5 days. Today ATT sent 2 huge repair trucks to fix the problem. We had to leave for a doctor’s appointment. We came back to this.

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Walked out of the store this afternoon and was very irritated to see that the entire parking lot was painted like this.


Popeyes gave me almost no fries

Bruh. Ordered this with a 4 piece and a strawberry biscuit and they give me this


My brother always leaves the pot on. Coffee adict. He left a bit ago to the store...


I Despise Trains Sometimes

Train stopped at the last car. This is the end. The truck and myself turned around after staring at the end of the train for around 5 minutes.


How my dad cuts avocados..


Infuriating nosebleed

Getting a nosebleed in the middle of traffic, turned to the next street to attempt to clean myself and it’s a gated community


Wife likes to put used cups in the ref Bec she doesn't like to wash them

Been doing this for months. I asked her why not in the sink, says she might use them later so why not?


If every tigers in captivity were freed, then the tigers would no longer be considered as an endangered species.


Mentally disabled patient at care facility didn't like my car and broke my windshield with his fist while I was delivering food. Damages are covered or it would just be infuriating.


this kind of business advertising on Instagram is toxic asf

the video post itself said something along the lines of "if you want to irritate the internet post the prices of the food you sell and trust me no matter what it'll make people mad" ..., okay this is 1.5 hoursof my life? thats like saying "if you kill a person people are always gonna be mad *nukes country*" THIS IS THE MOST GASLIGHTY STATEMENT IVE EVER HEARD
