Photo of our newborn - did a weird pose, so let's see what you guys can do! £5 tip for best result

Read also:

*edit* Anyone able to edit the guy on the left so he doesn’t look like he’s wearing glasses


Can anyone make my cat look like a total bad ass? His name is Rambo, but he’s a big fat softy who literally won’t hurt a fly. I want to frame a picture for my husbands bday, he’s a daddy’s boy!


Can someone please fix this pictures of my girlfriend father and grandad?


I’m west coast resident who has been suffering through weeks of wildfire smoke. It rained on Thursday night and we took this pic yesterday while appreciating the fresh air. Can someone make it look like I’m doing a handstand somewhere dangerous? $5 tip to the winner!


Can someone photoshop the zoo lady out of this picture? It’s my parents favorite picture of me and I’d like to surprise them. Unfortunately I cannot tip. Thanks!


I want to post this on Instagram as a portrait (1080 x 1350 px). Can someone extend it to that size? I can venmo $10!


Could someone touch this photo up? Like remove the glare and touch up the colors? I’ll tip $5 to the best one


trying to get some pictures of my mom and i, since she was always taking the pictures of my dad and i. could anyone please enhance for a $10 tip? want to surprise my momma! thank you!




Can anyone remove/content aware the machinery/lift thing. Sorry I can't tip. My laptop has decided to die on me. Many thanks in advance!!
