Conferance pears: what is a good rule of thumb to know if they are ripe?

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Drought Corn


Jimmy Buffet relaxing on his boat in 1975


Seeing how many people you could pack into a phone booth was what teens did before the Internet, 1959.


People buying paintings and for Lunar New Year decorations during 1929 in Hanoi, Vietnam


Salvador Dali painting The Face of War, 1941


Run-DMC & Beastie Boys, NYC(1987)


Late 90s glamour shots. My mom and I rocked the matching leather.


Michael J. Fox and James Cagney, 1986


Mary Innes-Ker, nee Mary Goelet, Duchess of Roxburghe, circa 1903.

Mary Goelet became Mary Innes-Ker, Duchess of Roxburghe, when she married Henry Innes-Ker, 8th Duke of Roxburghe on November 10, 1903. Born as May Goelet, she was the daughter of the American millionaire and New York City real estate developer, Ogden Goelet, one of the wealthiest men from the Gilded Age. She was one of the "American dollar princesses'' — wealthy American women who wed European nobles from the late 19th to early 20th centuries. May Goelet had both Astor and Vanderbilt lineage and a healthy inheritance from New York real estate. She traveled through England, declining proposals from financially strapped noblemen. Captain Oswald Ames of the Horse Guards caught her attention. In 1897, there were rumors of her engagement to William Montagu, the 9th Duke of Manchester, born in 1877. He married another American, [Helena Zimmerman,]( in 1900. In 1903, May chose to marry the Duke of Roxburghe, an intelligent, gentlemanly, and affluent man. Following their wedding, they lived at Floors Castle, Roxburghe's expansive 60,500-acre estate along the Scottish border. Their peaceful domestic life was so serene that it seemed mundane to some aristocratic guests. When she married the Duke of Roxburghe, she was among the richest American heiresses with a dowry of twenty million dollars. During the Gilded Age's industrial boom before World War I, only [Consuelo Vanderbilt]( surpassed her in wealth among the American dollar princess marriages. Read more [here.]( And [here.]( Read more about "American dollar princesses" [here.](


A female spotter on a British anti-aircraft gun crew during the Second World War, 1942
