On this day in 1974, the life story of Ned Cobb, a radical black worker in the American South who served more than 13 years in prison to keep his farm, was published under the title "All God's Dangers: The Life of Nate Shaw".

Read also:

Aunt Molly Jackson was an American folk singer and a union activist who died on this day in 1960. Arrested at age ten for her family's union activities, she grew up to author songs such as "I Am a Union Woman" and "Poor Miner's Farewell".


"I’m endorsing Aaron Regunberg for Congress because he will stand up to Big Pharma and Big Oil, and will fight for Medicare for All, bold climate action, raising wages, paid sick days, and a government that works for everyday people, rather than corporations and billionaires." - Bernie Sanders


I forgot the name of the rideshare app


MAGA construction workers the second anything needs to go above ground level


My new best friend - Molly!


He decided to take over old laptops cleaning 😅


Purple Haze 💜



1. my Life lasts 10-15 years Every moment apart from you is painful Please keep this in mind before you buy me 2. Give me time understand what you want from me 3. Trust me It's necessary in terms of my well-being 4. Don't stay mad at me for long, don't lock me in a room as punishment. You have work, entertainment and your friends only have you 5. Talk to me even sometime. Although I do not understand your words i understand your tone of voice what you say to me 6. Remember how you treat me. I don't never forget it! 7. Before you hurt me, remember this i have teeth to bite and break the bones out of your hand, but I choose not to biting you. 8. Before you bark at me uncooperative or lazy, think about it something that bothers me. Maybe I can't real food, I've been too long in the sun or my heart is getting old and weak! 9. Take care of me when I get old. Remember that you are getting older too. 10. Be with me on my last journey. Don't say you can't take it watch or let it happen in your absence. Everything is easier if you are there. Remember that, I love you. I translated the text for you! I tried my best!


Welcome to the family Cujo


The happy boy

6 months old today. Very calm and peaceful around our kids.
