Hydromelon irl

Got a local hydromelon at the farmers market

Read also:

When it’s all you see around you.


The power of nerd to nerd communication


Double trouble


Hmmmm [From r/Veryfuckingstupid]


I guess Suomis are Turkic now


Blaire White


Polio doesn’t exist anymore!


overweight dog

my family dog is kind of overweight. im 17 and live with my disabled grandmother, grandfather who works night shift (4-4) and dad who works all day but is currently out of work because of an injury. i also just had a sprained ankle and in the process of being able to walk again. our dog finn is a rhodesian ridgeback, great Pyrenees, mastuff mix so he’s pretty large. but he looks pretty overweight. he weighs 125 lbs and has some visible rolls. im unsure if it’s just how he’s built or if he’s actually overweight. we have another dog who keeps him playing a lot but he’s still pretty lazy. the problem is, everyone feeds him like a horse. treats constantly and like tons of them. they feed him a cup of dry food, half a can of wet food, and sometimes some broken up treats or cottage cheese in there. twice a day. and then tons of milkbones and pupperonis. and my grandma gives him table food constantly. i’ve tried talking to them about it but of course they don’t listen. and if they do it only lasts a day. what can i do to help him lose weight?


Spot found on my dog

I found this spot on my dog's inner thigh a week ago. I didn't think much of it at the time and figured it would go away. Well it hasn't and I thought I'd post this to see if anyone had ideas. She's a six year old Cane Corso who is otherwise very healthy


Abnormality on paw? (Pic included)

My dogs been licking his paw for about a week and a half. I went to the vet bc he's been having skin flaking issues and light balding as well and she gave me a medicated shampoo to wash him twice a week with. Today I actually fully inspected the paw (ik i should have done so before but the vet seemed so confident it was the same skin issue that i didnt. No way to change the past now) and found this. What is this? Will it be treated by the medical shampoo? Should i take him back to the vet? He's very bad at the vet (muzzled and must be removed away from me, and he's scared and shaking the whole day after), so i try to avoid it whenever I can but I'm really worried
