What kind of a stain is this and how can I clean it?

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Washing back pillow

Does anyone have any advice on how to wash one of these? It doesn’t fit in my washing mine.


How do I get the right side of the sink to look like the left?


How do I get this stain out?

I think it’s an oil stain. Cotton/Poly blend. My partner loves this hoodie so I’m trying to avoid getting rid of it.


Any advice on cleaning my makeup drawer, a product leaked in it

I think one of my oil makeup products separated, and the oil leaked out. Felt dry to the touch so it was probably quite old. I cleaned it with a wet rag and a bit of dish soap but it didn’t do much. Any ideas on what else to try? Thanks


Glass top stove stain

Anyone know how to get this off? I've tried a few things - but no luck. Water boiled over onto the top. Thank you for your help!


Looking for some tips and tricks on how to clean in between my bathroom tiles please.


New stove already stained

Are these stains permanent? I used this stove maybe 5 times and they won’t go away. Using Lysol with a paper towel.


I am at Long Stay Hotel and my Cloth Softener spilled and I saw it a week later. Cannot clean it more than it is rn. What can I do?


Grease Built up on Panini Grill

In the troughs between the grates is built up grease from a year of use and little to no cleaning. I’ve been chipping away at the middle grates with physical labor but is anyone aware of any chemicals that may make this easier? The top panel is going to be the worst to do because of the angle imo.


Rust on chair buttons

I thrifted this chair and in cleaning it (steamer, vinegar/Dawn/water spot treatment) ended up with a few rusted buttons. How can I treat them and the fabric around it without just fully taking them off? Any help is appreciated!!!
