He turned into an angry egg

Read also:

striking a pose for the camera


What is she annoyed about?


Rabbit's things

How did he get in there? And what is he doing??


Cera's vibes are contagious


Forbidden belly


Penny hanging out in the living room


Willow's suddenly interested in the carpet... any suggestions?

It took her three months to learn she apparently enjoys the taste of carpet. Not only am I worried about her ingesting it, but this is also a rental (granted the previous tenant's cat did numbers on it before we even set foot here). I have a snuffle mat and a rug I'm trying to redirect her to, as well as a little ball pit, but she just won't leave the carpet alone...


Double decker bun


Usagi Shima is Out!!!

I downloaded the new game, Usagi Shima, and let me tell you, it is adorable!!! If you enjoyed playing Neko Atsume, you will absolutely love this!!! It's available is the app store :3 btw this is not paid sponsoring, I just really love it and wanted to share the cuteness! Have a hoppy day :3


Such chubby cheeks from this angle!

Owen often prefers to eat his breakfast or dinner on the bed, he seems to find it cosy. His cheeks are positively enormous from this angle!
