Any help ID this mushroom

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help with Pannelus stipticus?

So I've had this jar of Pannelus stipticus mushrooms in my room for several months now and have noticed that they aren't forming caps of any kind and are instead just making these straight stalks, are there variations to how these grow that would explain this or is it something I'm doing? I've got a grow light on them for 9hrs each day and am hoping to transfer them to a different container as they are running out of room in their current one. Does the container they are placed in have to be sealed or can it have an open lid and be exposed to the air? Sorry for the stupid questions, very new to all this 😁


Found in the Great Smokey Mountains, TN side

Found this last month near a waterfall. There were lots of other mushrooms around, but none of them looked like this. It was about the size of my thumb.


Picked under a pine tree in Canada.

Edmonton, AB. A person picking these told me they are safe to eat so I grabbed some. Can Reddit confirm?


What are these purple lads?

Found in Central Pennsylvania mixed deciduous forest. They were a more brilliant dark purple when harvested. Are they a Cortinarius species? They've got rusty brown spores and I've seen webbing across their gills when young.


Found a cool surprise while Processing.

Found it in the bottom of a women's sweater box. I'm assuming it's pomegranate flavored by the picture. Google translate couldn't tell me anything other than it was a small fruit cake lol.


Just got promoted!


Look at this distinguished gentlemen ☕️



We literally sell singles… why… not we have to waste all of this food.


New parking spot!


Alright Walmart, Calm Down....
