Does anyone else just love David Thewlis acting in this scene?

I always thought David’s acting in the scene where Harry says he saw someone on the map he knows to be dead so well done. The way he sort of pulls back with a look of complete shock hearing Pettigrews name when he asks Harry who that might be is so well acted. It’s one of my favorite scenes to rewatch in Prisoner of Azkaban. Does anyone else like this scene as much as me?

Read also:

ESPN with another amazing quidditch highlight!

29 years ago, Bulgaria's Viktor Krum made the controversial decision to catch the Snitch and end the Quidditch World Cup final on his own terms & The finish gave the victory to Ireland, 170-160.


"You never killed if you could avoid it!" Did Dumbledore ever kill anyone?

I'm not counting Ariana's death, that was a mishap.


My personal favourite for “O” was “OBViously”. Time for “P”!!


Who’s wands are these in order?


This thory gives me chills.


Which is your favorite House and why it is Slytherin?


Could Stephen make a good Dumbledore?

I see Mr Fry is growing a beard and his silvery hair out these days and it made me think… could he possibly make a good Dumbledore for the new series? It was sad he was never in the films… but he is king of the audiobooks (IMO) so could he make a cool new Dumbledore? He’s tall, clever and witty, great with words, likes a bit of flair in his dressing, he is funny, and also gay! Heehee so maybe!? I’d at least like to see a screen test please 😋


Why do the Dementors care about Sirius escaping?

Sirius is only one of many prisoners in Azkaban, and is likely one of the more lost (or at least the Dementors perceive him as more lost because his emotions seem inhuman) so why is it such a big deal to them if he escaped? First off, I totally understand that they would be eager to go out and search for him, because it gives them access to hundreds of fresh people to feed off of, but that’s not really what I’m talking about. I recall the Dementors being described as furious and determined to recapture Sirius, but why? Can Dementors even feel emotions like rage or determination? Do they even care about their positions as prison guards?


The soviets even influenced the Harry Potter Series


I'm autistic and my special interest is the Harry Potter books, these are all the ones I have so far
