yeah because we are all only with people for money

found on a different sub

Read also:

Stop eating banana


If you don’t want a boyfriend, you hate men.


How I became a lesbian


Let's all hUrT fEmInIsM guys! 🥊


On a Poll about whether or not we need feminism.......sigh


A 2500 year old mummy of a blond man, found from Pazyryk burial mound in 1995 in Altai Mountains. Mummy has a well preserved elk tattoo on his shoulder. The Hermitage; Saint Petersburg


Assyrian Wall Relief Panel; shows a soldier diving using an inflatable bag made of goat skin. It is oldest record of a diver. It is about 3000 years old. British Museum. FROM: Archaeo - Histories


Being a Russian rocket scientist can be very dangerous to your health:


Lue Elizondo: "What if it turns out that a lot of the things that we thought were one way aren't? Are we prepared to have that honest question with ourselves? Are we prepared to recognize that we're not at the top of the food chain, potentially?"


A pyramidion used to be the uppermost piece of an Egyptian pyramid or obelisk. It was generally made of diorite, granite, or fine limestone, then covered in gold or electrum. Very few pyramidia have survived into modern times. This is the one form the Pyramid of Amenemhat III
