Only One Can Be King

Read also:

Had this nice checkmate today. All the pieces working together


A counterintuitive puzzle. Black to win


How/Why is this brilliant move


Why is taking with the bishop better?

Wouldnt both lead to the same result in the end?


This is the highest rated problem I found the solution to. How is a free queen rated 2000 ?

Yes the solution is litteraly to take the queen, there's no subsequent moves.


This happened today and I have this sub to thank

Been playing chess a long time, but only started playing again after about a 10 year hiatus. Very much feel like a beginner, especially at my Daily Elo of 1400 and blitz elo of 800s. This was in a 5 minute blitz game. In my previous experience for some reason smother mates are not something I was familiar with, and don't even remember encountering them often. Was pretty excited when I saw this chance thanks to all the posts I see in this subreddit. Thanks y'all


Why is this not a blunder?

Engine has this down as good. Obviously not the best move but surely now it's just Bxa3? Plus, the engine wants to put the rook in danger too? How is this just not a blunder from black?


Can someone help explain the M4 i missed here?


My first rook sac

My opponent was winning and then i did this Can you guess what happened next ? I guess as a 900 this was preety good to find 🙃


I... I don't even know how I managed to turn it around
