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Looking for a solution to a constant overfill please

So I have a few problems but want to just focus on the one atm. Because of a constant leak the toilet is constantly refilling with water, this isnt the problem I want to fix atm but if you have this solution as well please I am desperate lol. However, every time the toilet refills it keeps overflowing into the center thing and it wont stop until I lift the top and flick or shake some stuff around enough times. Nothing in particular I have noticed, when I think it's one thing and focus on it, it doesnt do anything until I mess with everything. I want to stop the overflow problem first before the leakage as it appears to me to be wasting more water than the leak. I appreciate any help, thank you.


Found in my well filter

I found this in my well water filter. My plumber pulled the pump up and found everything in working order and no evidence that the pump was causing this. It feels like finally shredded plastic but if the pump isn’t shredding the line what is causing it. I continue to pull this shredded stuff out when I change the filter every three months ever since we had the well drilled about a year ago.


Cleaning a clicker drain?

I want to clean the drain on my new bathroom sink but I can’t figure out how to remove the clicker assembly. It’s a Kohler and from googling I think it’s supposed to rotate counterclockwise but it isn’t budging (using finger strength). How do I get this thing out?!?!


Thub drain is cemented

Hey guys. I have this thub drain that needs replacement and seems completely stuck. I think there is cement between it and the thub. How to remove it? Do I need a hearing gun or anything else? I have all the right tools to turn it and remove it but its harder than pulling excaliburs sword. Heat gun?


My baby sister left the chat🤦‍♀️


I make well not great origami when bored at work. I started with 50 andhad none as the kids loved them when the curious.


They still love Tom and jerry cartoon


Expectation vs. reality. That sub 10 micron accuracy is incredible ! 🤣


Heil spez


Discovered in the wild wilderness
