The federal minimum wage is $7.25/hr and hasn’t been raised in 14 years.

Read also:

That's nice, Ford. Now give them a fair deal before they all go on STRIKE.


The way the pattern in this head of cabbage spirals out


My senior cat is starting to show his age.The constant disheveled look is a good indicator. She's 13 now.


2 years ago today we had to let our old man Azraël go (17 at the time)

Here he is on his last day with us. Hardest decision we ever had to make


Another pic of Artemis (12)

I love the little smile I captured here!


[Request] How big would the insect be if the map was 1:1 scale?


[Request] Just how many trees would be planted right now?


[REQUEST] I got all 2023P dimes in a roll. What’s the probability of that?


[Request] Would Miss Trunchbull have been able to throw this little girl over a fence?


[Request] Whats the probability of a perfect market (Catan card Game)?

Hey guys Some friends and I are playing the Catan Card Game and had a slight disagreement, in which you could help us. The Catan card Game revolve around trading ressource cards with players or the market (5 cards in the middle of the table). Before the game starts, 5 cards get drawn from the Stack of ressource cards to form the market. The ressources and number of the cards are: Clay: 11 Timber: 11 Ore: 16 Sheep: 15 Wheat: 14 Total: 67 cards. Now to our question: Whats the probability, that the market is perfectly balanced at the beginning of the game, meaning that every ressource is represented once? (Like in the Pic) Thanks in advance and have a nice day!
