How often do you get your cats teeth cleaned?

how often do you get your cats teeth cleaned? I don’t like the idea of putting my boy under for that. His teeth are fine but could probably use a cleaning. I did find a place that will come to your house and clean your pets teeth for like $360~ but I don’t know if my cat would allow that.

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Our "lost" orange has returned!!!

We thought our escaped kitty was lost forever! Big sad. After 3 months we started to give up hope. Little did we know he was yucking it up literally 4 houses down. Little fat shit was getting fed fancy ass wet food and treats by some nice older lady. However, she was not down with his aggressive head butt lovins, as well as his paws-to-the-face-waking-upping for attention at the wee hours of the night, and she reached out on nextdoor. Now he is hone and happy as the fat stupid orange clam he is! Damn sparky, giving us all a frightening Glad he is home.


Show me your happy One Orange Braincell


Seth has not once even seen the braincell


Fat Orange Cat

The beer and the braincell


Trying to figure out how this whole fountain thing works.

Mind you, this fountain isn’t new, and he’s used it before.


Nope, brain cell is not under here

The search continues...


This one just graduated from r/illegallySmolCats

Yea… it’s his water bowl. Does he get a membership card or something?


Here, have an orange boi in a box


Rate my Ginger kitty


Max is normally a monster getting into trouble, but sometimes he just relaxes and is a cutie.
