doing a long drive and this is how we’re riding together in the passenger seat 🥹

Read also:

Yuna is ready for Spooky season

I bought the blanket for myself, but I guess it's hers now. She was on it less then 5 minutes after I put it on the sofa.


my first cat is sick and i can barely sleep at night because of it

hi all, just looking for some stories of similar happenings or if anyone has any kind of reassurance that everything will all be okay. i have severe anxiety and i love this cat more than anything, so i've been a wreck and will still be a wreck until it's resolved. yesterday morning i noticed my female cat straining to urinate with barely anything coming out. i took her immediately to a pet urgent care, where they did a urinalysis and an ultrasound or some kind of scan on her bladder. they said her bladder was so inflamed they couldn't really see enough to eliminate a stone, but they gave her some pain medicine and antibiotics in case it's a UTI. they called today with her urinalysis and said there was no bacteria they could see, but there was so much blood in it that they couldn't tell. they said to continue the antibiotics because it still could be a UTI, but if she gets worse i need to get her another ultrasound immediately. she's been acting completely normal (absolutely insane, young tortie energy) and eating like there's no tomorrow (like normal.) I've been checking and cleaning her litter box incessantly, and it looks like she's peeing small drops sometimes and large amounts other times (she is still using the litter box really frequently.) I haven't seen any blood, but i'm not really sure if i'd be able to tell in the litter so any advice on this would be GREATLY appreciated. sorry for the long rant everyone, i just need some success stories for my baby so i can maybe take a deep breath and feel okay. this is my first ever animal that is not a family pet, so i feel so attached to her it’s crazy. i'm not worried about future costs of any surgery, i have pet insurance and a savings account just for her and i work two jobs to keep enough money around in case something like this happens. pic of miss pretzel for cuteness factor


The creature I am fostering


Why does my cat has a bald spot on her belly?


How can I tell if my cat loves me?

He, Lucho, chases me until I sit in bed/on the couch before curling up between my legs. He chirps when he sees me, let’s me play with his feet, and watches me from across the room. Whenever I accidentally squish him while we’re napping, he’ll just give me the stink eye before settling down again. Purrs a lot too. Am I his equal? A large creature he tolerates? Or is he using me for my bed and snacks?


Looks can be deceiving.

He’s a sweetheart.


This sweet pupper made it into the yearbook ♥️


Or Ted Cruz…


Melisa Raouf, a finalist in Miss England, became the first Miss England participant to not wear makeup during the pageant in 94 years of its history.


Live fish who was experiencing buoyancy issues and swimming abnormally is getting a CT scan for diagnosis and development of a treatment plan
