This dude made me wait like 5 minutes before the autoresign

It wasn't even a dead lost position, I could have blundered all my pieces in those 5 minutes but he wasted both of our time

Read also:

How is this opening named? Never seen such before.


Why is it a brilliant?


Vote Chess for Beginners 1200 ELO) - Your Move! Rules in Comments.


i can't believe i won this game

both of my two pieces are working. what called this kind of checkmate?


I got this position in the game. What do you think is the right continuation?

The opponent rushed and took the pawn without thinking. What is wrong with this move?


Still very new, but how is this a stalemate? Can I not keep moving my pieces (black) until I take his king? My king seems safe

Any tips appreciated!


Opponent resigned after this



Why does my opponent got +66 after winning? Cant say that it was a bug because I saw that 66 was really added on his rating. I only got -7 tho.


Just to ask, it is possible to see which was the match?

I just played to many bullets I dont even recall when and who was that game 🥴


Fun Sequence

I was able to put together this fun little sequence today, probably just luck but it felt rewarding.
