Nuggets so spooky you be wondering why you are shitting red

Read also:

New Maintenance Mascot

SO BASICALLY: My coworker found this guy out in the parking lot, sitting on a bench, and apparently it’s policy to throw even stuff like him away?? Anyway we all grew too attached to him, even if he sat in garbage juice for a while, and my maintenance team lead took him and set him aside (stuffed him between the steps of one of the ladders seen in the background)(I wish I got a pic) and he’s been sitting there untouched for a few days now, and I take it other people are understanding the assignment that he’s here to stay. I originally took this picture as a “haha how tragic it’s like he belongs there” because honestly I kinda hate minions but of course my TL was immediately like “no we can’t toss this guy in the garbage.” But yeah, switching to overnight maintenance over stocking was most definitely the change of pace I needed, and my TL is the absolute sweetest. We’re a small team yeah but we easily get everything done before opening, unlike how I was when stocking when it took me the entire shift to finish something because I was on my own. And to whoever told me a week ago or whatever on here that “nooo don’t do it it’s a trap” or something; why you gotta make it out to be worse than it is? Deadass it’s just mostly sweeping and mopping for me as that’s what I’m typically assigned to do, occasionally having to clean restrooms and take trash out. Anyway sorry to ramble under a post originally about a pic of “haha minion in the trash where he belongs,” I’m actually kinda satisfied with how things are going for me; even if it’s Walmart. Perhaps I just needed to get some thoughts out.


I found the booty!


Corn dude

Found this at Walmart the other day 😂


the walmart way




Total bilateral aid commitments to Ukraine between January 24, 2022 and May 31, 2023, by type and country or organization. Data includes financial aid (light blue), humanitarian aid (dark blue) and military aid (grey). The data is from Statista. I will put a link in the comments.


The Polish weekly newspaper "Wprost" shows on the cover of its current issue (09/04/23) Pope Francis and his popemobile.


Turkey wins the European Women's Volleyball Championship

Turkey wins championship against Serbia with a score of 3-2 in the competetive match. It is the second championship it's gotten in this summer, after the Leauge of Nations championship in July.


Here in Italy bars are starting to use pasta as straws to reduce plastic use. Our technology amazes the world another time.


Château de Pierrefonds, Oise, France
