PS3 Device Setup Password issues

So I finally got to pull the ol PS3 out to try and play, but when I go to sign in to PSN, I get the message in the picture. I've tried generating one twice via the URL, and it acts like it accepts it at first. But then it doesn't log me in, and when I try to go back to relog in, I get the same song and dance all over again. Have I just been under a rock and they shut down all online support/stuff for the old consoles, or am I doing something wrong?

Read also:

(OC) Just Chilling


This dog had been on the loose for almost a week and wouldn't let anyone close to her. A local hero saved the day today!

It's possible she was dumped and was being posted on local FB groups for days. No one was coming forward to claim her. A couple of fine ladies set a trap and got her cornered. Her heroes reported that as soon as she was caught she took all the pets and love and kisses they could give her.


(OC) A letter from my 11yo for Father's Day


A young lady stopped me today to tell me how much she loves my shorts and how good they look on me

It truly mad my day


[OC] I was surprised to see these flowers at my front door!

I contacted yesterday to return a bag of treats and received these flowers today. Kind gestures do mean a lot especially during hard times.


(OC) My first pet


Then neither is meow!


ChatGPT replying as a Golden Retriever puppy that knows English


Have a Funny, Happy and Chill weekend peeps🥰 Ps : Its a 15 yr old pic. Keep Smiling)


[OC] It's finally out in the world, and I couldn't feel happier

I feel I can finally breathe! ☺️🥹
