Weeviltime? (Central USA)

Read also:

What’s this bug, Massachusetts

Has very long antennae but they didn’t photograph well because eh kept moving them


Anyone ID this demonic 10 legged bug??? Located in Central Alabama.


Found dead in my work parking lot

I live in south central Missouri, our local University website doesn’t show this as a native to this area. It’s a good 2” long, and the coloring made me do a double take when I saw it laying on the asphalt. The stinger still has a tiny, dried drop of venom on the tip. It’s such a beautiful wasp! I’m glad I didn’t meet it when it was alive 😅


Turned on our porch light and 8 or so of these huge bees flocked to it. What is it? Virginia - probably 1in long when alive


Hi fellas what are these little freaks

Found inside an old unopened container of freeze dried bloodworms. Northeaster Kentucky if it helps, thanks!


Found on our diaper pail

Our diaper pail is always lined with a trash bag and we found maybe 10 of them stuck on the inner walls. We didn’t see any live/moving bugs around. They’re about the size of rice kernels and hard like seeds. Kept one in a container with holes about 2 weeks ago but it hasn’t grown anything yet. Anyone know what they are? 😩



Would you believe this was a twin?! Cuz it was. I've seen these all my life but never as large as these and never 2 together like that. Thoughts? I'm surprised at how this does not do the size justice. Their legs were so thick and large!


What is this thing on tangerine tree? (SoCal)


Seven of these bad boys have been found in our home over the past few days. Can anyone help identify exactly what species of Hymenoptera they are?

For size reference they are about 1 inch or 2.54cm to about 1 1/2 inches or 3.81cm in length. I actually helped one out two nights ago that got stuck to these sticky hanging fly traps. I was so happy when he finally was able to fly away again. Needless to say I ended up removing the two fly traps.


Found outside of my front door. Who is this dapper little fellow?
