Friend asked me to clue..

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Boots? Shoots?


Who is this little guy enjoying lunch with me?

Baltimore, Md. kinda looks like a small wheel bug to me? Super cute


Dude came from the ceiling of my garage 🤷🏽‍♂️

Mid Michigan North of Flint


Spider ID? Columbus, NC


What is this?

At first I thought it is a bee or wasp.


Moth outside a garden store

Saw this cutie moth midafternoon outside a garden store in southern NH. About the size of half a finger. Anyone know the type?


Charlotte NC roach (pic+details) please advise

Please advise roach in charlotte nc (pic+description) Hi we live in Belmont nc and been here for one year and last summer we had this same issue, Encounted about 2 or so roaches inside the home and a few outside but on the driveway/sidewalk away from the home Tonight I went into the bathroom and saw this one crawling up out of the sink drain and I sprayed with roach spray. About 2 months ago my husband saw one in our other bathroom too. I have a few of those roach away plugs plugged in around the home from amazon and i have pet friendly spray as we have cats and a dog. We live right in front of a wooded area. Is this a cause to call pest control or do I keep doing what I’ve been with the spray and plug ins?


Weeviltime? (Central USA)


What’s this bug, Massachusetts

Has very long antennae but they didn’t photograph well because eh kept moving them


Anyone ID this demonic 10 legged bug??? Located in Central Alabama.
