Any exterminators able to identify this pest?

Size is no larger than ~.1mm

Read also:

what is this? it doesnt look like a fly, it appears to have a stinger. found it dead in a spare fish tank.


Who is he? Found in our house in Southwestern PA, smaller than a dime. Transported him outside after snapping a picture🙂


Friend asked me to clue..


Boots? Shoots?


Who is this little guy enjoying lunch with me?

Baltimore, Md. kinda looks like a small wheel bug to me? Super cute


Dude came from the ceiling of my garage 🤷🏽‍♂️

Mid Michigan North of Flint


Spider ID? Columbus, NC


What is this?

At first I thought it is a bee or wasp.


Moth outside a garden store

Saw this cutie moth midafternoon outside a garden store in southern NH. About the size of half a finger. Anyone know the type?


Charlotte NC roach (pic+details) please advise

Please advise roach in charlotte nc (pic+description) Hi we live in Belmont nc and been here for one year and last summer we had this same issue, Encounted about 2 or so roaches inside the home and a few outside but on the driveway/sidewalk away from the home Tonight I went into the bathroom and saw this one crawling up out of the sink drain and I sprayed with roach spray. About 2 months ago my husband saw one in our other bathroom too. I have a few of those roach away plugs plugged in around the home from amazon and i have pet friendly spray as we have cats and a dog. We live right in front of a wooded area. Is this a cause to call pest control or do I keep doing what I’ve been with the spray and plug ins?
